BioWDL上面整理了很多测序相关的WDL流程,前面在WDL(Workflow Description Language)搭建pipeline利器介绍了WDL基本语法,以及WDL的便利性,本文对BioWDL汇总的pipeline以简单的整理分享给大家。

BamMetrics (repo)Single-SampleA BioWDL workflow for gathering metrics from a BAM file.
expression-quantification (repo)Multi-SampleA BioWDL workflow for quantifying expression.
gatk-CNVcalling (repo)Multi-SampleThe BioWDL implemention of the GATK CNV calling workflow.
gatk-preprocess (repo)Single-SampleA BioWDL workflow for preprocessing BAM files for variantcalling. Based on the GATK Best Practices.
gatk-variantcalling (repo)Multi-SampleA pipeline that calls variants on a group of BAM files.
germline-DNA (repo)Multi-SampleA BioWDL variantcalling pipeline for germline DNA data. Starting with FASTQ files to produce VCF files.
QC (repo)Single-SampleA BioWDL workflow for gathering QC metrics on and prepocessing FASTQ files.
RNA-seq (repo)Multi-SampleA BioWDL pipeline for processing RNA-seq data, starting with FASTQ files to produce expression measures and VCFs.
small-rna (repo)Multi-SampleSmall rna pipeline.
somatic-variantcalling (repo)Single-SampleA pipeline for somatic variantcalling.
structural-variantcalling (repo)Single-SampleA workflow for calling structural variants.
TALON-WDL (repo)Multi-Sample InDevelopmentWDL implementation of the TALON workflow.
tasks (repo)OtherA collection of reusable WDL tasks.


